"Real estate success requires teamwork - let me be your coach!"
Jennifer Reyer is a full-time Realtor who works the greater Puget Sound area.
Jennifer's roots in real estate run deep. Growing up in a small town with a mother that was passionate about helping people, Gwen dove into the Real Estate business with 3 young children at home and interest rates were 21%. This was a daunting endeavor, nonetheless, Gwen persevered and her young daughter watched in fascination. Some even say Jen came “out of the womb” negotiating successful sales for her clients. There is something very natural about growing up in this environment. Jennifer went off to do her own thing for a while, but naturally gravitated back to what “just felt right.” At the age of 21, when Realtors this young were extremely rare, Jennifer was licensed. She quickly created a strong following with the younger and first time buyer crowd. Her success earned her “Rookie of the Year” which was given to the person in the company with the most sales the first 12 months in the business. Needless to say; she was off and running. With his local understanding Jennifer is comfortable working with every type of client and situation.
Since Jennifer Reyer grew up in the real estate industry, tagging along with her mother, Gwen Reyer, to many showings and open houses. She was often employed as the "closer" when needed. Jennifer’s mother was a long-time, highly productive and well respected Realtor in Snohomish and King Counties. After Jennifer had been in the business “officially” Jennifer joined her mother when a serious illness threatened Gwen’s ability to work. Jennifer took on the task of running both of their businesses. This worked so well, that the following year as Gwen was able to go back to work, the mother and daughter duo teamed up to become the very well known and respected “mother/daughter” team of “Reyer and Reyer.” Over the years they won many awards both locally and nationally for Marketing. In 2008, it was time for Gwen to retire and live her passion. Jennifer continues to run their successful business, helping many of their past clients over and over. In many cases she has helped the same families 5 and 6 times.
Jennifer was the youngest Realtor in Washington to earn her CRS designation after only 2 years in the business - the most difficult and prestigious of Real Estate designations.